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Writer's pictureChildren to Love

Wise and discerning, gifted of God

Yesterday was a good day! By the grace of God, the day dawned, and He blessed me to engage with other followers of Jesus Christ at Laurelglen Bible Church’s Market of Hope in Bakersfield, CA. We celebrated 25 years of providing an effective way to bring life-changing necessities for the poorest of the poor and the most vulnerable around the world in Jesus’ name.

Walking through the various mission booths reminded me of days gone by when God called me and my husband Hank to serve with Children to Love International in Romania for a season. Memories of the Inimi Deschise staff in those days surged forward in my mind; I chuckled to myself, thinking we had so much to offer them, when it was quite to the contrary!

Who were these young men and women as they labored among their people?

Wise and discerning, gifted of God.

Trustworthy and hard-working, always putting the needs of the children above their own needs. Riding on public transportation and walking, sometimes for hours, just to get to the office to begin their day of ministry and then heading home after dark to help their often-impoverished families with a meal to sustain them through the night in sparse and often crowded accommodations.

Cheerful attitudes to do whatever was needed knowing their strength came from the Lord and not always in credentials or worldly education.

Funny and encouraging to homesick American teams and missionaries. Worshipping the Lord with their whole heart, eager to help.


Explored creative ways to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ among the children and the orphanage staff. Had a passion for what they did more than for how much they earned as employees.

Growing in their faith, knowing their human frailty, and striving forward, as Paul encouraged Timothy in 1 Timothy1:2 – as a true child in the faith, grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

So where do I go from here? I will take Pastor David Buck’s message yesterday to heart. He encouraged us NOT to disconnect from the people who still labor locally and abroad in missions. Go the other way! Be generous. Engage! Build strong relationships! Connect with the missionaries and their staff by contacting them – phone call, email, text – such an easy way these days with our technology! Pray for them! See their potential, not problems. Volunteer your own time, talent and treasure, at your local mission’s office or abroad. And I would add, if you cannot go...then Give. Or give MORE!

Yesterday was a strong testimony from our co-laborers in Christ around the world that all of these things are still needed. Out of our abundance… please, seek the Lord for what He has next for you in your reasonable service to Him.

Along with Market of Hope, thank you so much for sharing the resources God has entrusted to you with those in need. May the message of the gospel find open hearts as a result of your generosity!

- Carol Wilcox, serving with you.

CTL Board Member

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