We are thanking and praising God for the sweet smile on Brenda’s face. She has experienced so much pain and brokenness in her life, yet God has rescued her and given her a new home and a new family at Mercy Childcare Ministry in Uganda.
Brenda’s father abandoned his family when she was young, making his wife a single mother. Brenda’s mother struggled with anger and bitterness as a result of the abandonment and became physically abusive toward her daughter, leading to her arrest and imprisonment. When Brenda was brought to Mercy Childcare Ministry for protection in June of this year, she had scars all over her body and the fresh burn wounds on her feet pointed to recent abuse. She is now in a safe, loving home where she is receiving unconditional love and care from the staff on a daily basis. Ongoing counseling is helping Brenda walk the journey of healing from the emotional, mental and physical trauma that she has experienced. She is adjusting well to living at Mercy Village and loves this new family that she has been given. She loves to play with her friends, has started learning to play the keyboard and her teacher has shared that she is doing very well in school.
Mercy Childcare Ministry works daily to provide hope for suffering children in the name of Jesus. They not only care for the least, the lost and the littlest who live at Mercy Village, but they also regularly go to great lengths to ensure that children are reunited with their families when it’s in their best interests.
