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Writer's pictureChildren to Love

Ocean of Love

Updated: Jul 17, 2020

📍Lviv, Ukraine

Ocean of Love was the theme for Future for Children’s recent Vacation Bible School and the kids sailed along together and made stops at four different “islands” over the course of four days. Island number one was Friendship Island, followed by Family Island, Forgiveness Island and Unlimited Island (this last Island focused on earthly blessings and the gift of eternal life). The VBS was of course full of fun games and activities, but it was also focused on therapy and rehabilitation, as most of these kids come from broken homes where their families have been significantly impacted by the recent quarantine. Current government regulations only allow the organization to meet with a small number of children at a time, so they had the unique opportunity to work more closely with each child, including one-on-one time for assessment, counseling, encouragement and care.

Over the course of the four days, the kids also had the opportunity to visit several

different rooms with mentors including Fairytale Therapy and Theater, a Room of Rest, Heart-to-Heart Talk with aromatherapy oils, Ink and Paint Therapy, a Just-for-Girls Room, a game to overcome fears and a Music Room where children got to climb into a tent with pillows, lights and candles, and listen to a musician play the guitar and sing. Most of these kids had never heard live music, had intimate conversations with an adult or played a part in theater. This was so special for them!

During the times of “sailing” the kids learned about the various love languages (such as words of affirmation, acts of service and gifts), overcame challenges together with the staff and searched for treasure. They explored their creativity through crafts, quests and various games throughout the week and grew together as a group.

On Family Island the kids were tasked with creating their ideal family with various small objects, followed by a time of discussion with Future for Children staff. The kids really opened up, sharing their hearts, and through their stories staff learned more about the loneliness and pain that they are experiencing within their families.

At the end of the week, the kids participated in a ceremony where they were promoted to “sailors” and got to join the ship’s crew! They performed a final dance together and received gifts, encouraging words and lots of hugs – no one wanted to say goodbye. It was clear that this Vacation Bible School made a big impact in the hearts and souls of these children and we know that God is at work within them!

Even in the midst of a global pandemic, God is using His people to provide HOPE for suffering children in the name of Jesus.

Watch a highlight video here

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