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A Not-So-Silent Night

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus whose birth we celebrate!

We often sing the carol “Silent Night” but I suspect it was anything but silent that night:

  • Lots of noisy people in Bethlehem as directed by Caesar, many of whom didn’t want to be there

  • A young girl (Mary) delivering her first child in a noisy, dirty, smelly stable without the help of a midwife or anyone else

  • A dad (Joseph) who still wasn’t sure what was going on

  • And then add shepherds who were the “untouchables” of that day and the stage is set for the Savior to enter the world

Not very romantic — not very impressive… BUT The birth of baby Jesus in those noisy, humble and troubled surroundings is the foundation of redemption for all humanity. This is the King of kings and Lord of lords. What an amazing picture of the grace of God as we see and experience His love for us — unworthy sinners — with the promise of salvation given to us through the birth of that little baby on that noisy night in that humble place!

Fast forward to Golgotha, the cross and the empty tomb. That little manger baby, now a grown man fulfilling His purpose of becoming the sacrifice for the sins of humankind, is making redemption and eternal life available for those who trust and believe in Him.

The manger tells of His arrival... ...the empty tomb proclaims HE LIVES and REIGNS as LORD!

No, it wasn't a "silent night" in Bethlehem, but it was a holy night that forever changed the course of history.

Be encouraged! He is with us, He loves and cares for us and through His power we have been given the opportunity to be part of the family of God. May the joy of Jesus be yours this CHRISTmas. Blessings and Joy to you all, and BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD! John Penrose, CTL President

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