Support Children to Love and save on taxes... #winwin
Donating appreciated securities – such as stocks or mutual funds – to Children to Love (CTL) is a tax-wise approach to providing for "the least, the lost and littlest." Donors may choose to give gifts to CTL using long-term appreciated stocks and mutual funds due to the attractive tax advantages associated with these gifts.
The benefits available to you when making a charitable contribution of stock or mutual funds may include:
Avoiding federal and state tax on the capital gain;
Receiving an income tax deduction (federal and most states) for the full market value of the gift if you itemize deductions on your tax return and have held the assets one year or longer;
Making a larger gift at a lower original cost to you.
For more information about gifts of stock or other assets, please contact us at 661-588-9000 or donations@childrentolove.org.